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A World of Possibilities at Your Fingertips

Create a better world through creativity and positive change

Dr. Milu Islam

Dr. Milu Islam

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Learning Together


or From the Comfort of Your Home

Your New
Journey Begins Here, Today




Expert Coaches

Our coaches are knowledgeable and expert leaders. They are passionate about providing you with guidance and support.

Our Benefits


Community Support

Our Vino & Vision VIPs Coaching Community provides you with the opportunity to have regular interactions with the other members and with our experienced coaches.

Ongoing feedback and  support from the coaches and the fellow members have significant positive impact on both your personal and professional growth.


Flexible and Fun Coaching

Vino & Vision mindfulness activities, events and coaching sessions provide fun and flexible ways of learning together

in-Person or From the Comfort of Your Home.

“There is only one thing that makes a dream
Impossible to achieve: the fear of failure.”


Paulo Coelho

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